The first pregnancy for a mother (primigravida) is one of the crisis periods in her life. The third trimester is often referred to as the period of vigilance. You can increase your anxiety and fear about labor. Anxiety has a negative effect on pregnant women (especially first pregnancies), with anxiety it will increase catecholamine levels so that it can interfere with the progress of labor which results in prolonged labor. Anxiety occurs in mothers with low knowledge of the birthing process. This is due to the lack of information obtained, no description of how the delivery will go. This study aims to determine the effect of health education provided through video delivery of third trimester primigravida mothers on anxiety facing childbirth. This research design is a pre-experiment with the One Group Pretest Posttest design. The study population was 15 pregnant women, with simple random sampling obtained a sample of 14 respondents. The research instrument used was the DASS questionnaire, analyzed with the Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test using an error level of 0.05, then Ztable (1.645) <Zhitung (3.295). The results showed that there was an effect of health education on third trimester primigravida mothers about childbirth with video media on anxiety facing childbirth in the working area of Puskesmas Blabak Kediri. Educational media about childbirth can be varied so that it will increase the level of understanding and affect the anxiety of third trimester pregnant women who are going through the labor process.
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